We are stoked to be a part of 10th Annual Punks for Tots Toy Drive this year! This event will be hosted at the Korova in San Antonio this Saturday Dec 05, and it is a really cool cause to help local people in the community who may not be able to afford presents for their kids this holiday season. If you can make it out to the show, it will definitely be a good time- live music by Texas bands (Punk, Ska, Metal etc...), live art work, tons of raffles for local tattoo shops, clothing stores, music stores, tattoo shops, DIY local stores, movie tickets, and concert tickets to local venues.
If you would like to donate to the cause, check out the go fund me page: www.gofundme.com/punksfortots For more info about the event: www.facebook.com/events/458216001055342/
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March 2021
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