We finally got a chance to listen to the final masters this week for our first album, and we are very excited to get this released!
Also we're finalizing some tour dates for the next few months, so we should be announcing the dates soon!
We had a great time playing on Dave TV yesterday! Big thanks to Dave and everyone in the crew who helped to make it possible! If you missed it live you can still check out the episode below: We'll be performing a live set in studio on DaveTV this Saturday 5-6PM CST! You can check it out on TV in Austin on Spectrum cable Ch 10 or UVerse Ch 99.
Also will be streaming at: www.austinpublicaccess.org/watch/streaming10 For more info on DaveTV, check out davetv.org After taking off some time for the holidays, we are back and have some exciting shows planned for 2017 (check out the DATES page for more info):
FEB 1 - Baracuda - Austin, TX FEB 3 - The Mohawk - Austin, TX FEB 10 - Texas Mist - Austin, TX FEB 23 - Sidewinder - Austin, TX Also we now have an online MERCH store for those of you who are unable to make it out in person. We only have a few t-shirts left and we'll be ordering some new designs soon. ALBUM UPDATE: We are very close to completing the mixing on our first full length! We got a chance to hear some of the tracks completed this week and we could not be more excited to get this thing out! Excited to announce we'll be joining Boss' Daughter for a few of their shows on the Maximum Sleepy Time Tour (pretty sure they created this tour for Hans) on their way through Texas/New Mexico:
Nov 15 - Dallas, TX Nov 16 - Houston, TX Nov 17 - Austin, TX Nov 18 - Lubbock, TX Nov 19 - Albuquerque Check out the Dates page for more info and we'll update our Facebook page as the shows are finalized Also be sure to check out Boss Daughter new EP Sleep and tour schedule- they'll be all over the couple months! We just finished up recording some new songs this last weekend with Brad Bell at Public Hi-Fi studios here in Austin. We had originally gone in with the plan to record 5 songs during the two days for an EP, but much to our surprise we had already finished up 11 after the first day (minus a few overdubs). We ended up getting 13 finished plus a bonus cover song at the end, so if all goes well this may end up being our first "full length" (hey it's punk rock).
I really enjoyed the way we recorded this because 90% was all tracked with the four of us playing together. Of course it's too soon to say for sure, but just from hearing the playbacks I think we were able to capture the energy and feeling we have during live shows, so hopefully that shows through in the final product. Now when I say 90%, yes there were a few guitar and vocal overdubs (and we even got Kurt and Rosie to lay down a couple horn tracks!) but almost all of it was done "live." Also should mention, Brad was great to work with! Very relaxed atmosphere and he had some great feedback/ideas. Hopefully I haven't given too much info away, and before things are finalized and mixed/mastered anything can always change, but I just wanted to share a little about the process because we are very excited! You can check out a few Facebook live videos we did at: facebook.com/HansGruberAndTheDieHards/ We also have some tour dates coming up with Boss' Daughter which we should be announcing later this week so keep an eye out for that! -Hans Hans Gruber and the Die Hards are hitting the road for their Totally Jawsome tour May 20th through June 4th! Follow the event page for more info and show details! Where will you be when they come?
https://www.facebook.com/events/120941788310640/ Gruberites and Diehardigans - we'd like to officially announce the release of our first self-titled EP! Pick one up and help support our next effort!
You can also head over to our bandcamp and download the whole thang (suggested donations of whatever are always appreciated):https://hansgruberandthediehards.bandcamp.com/…/hans-gruber… Spread the word or not, because...IT.JUST.DOESNT.MATTER! Check out this review for our Alan Rickman tribute show earlier this month from TipCow:
Review Link (pictures included) "For weeks, we’ve planned to see punk band Hans Gruber and the Die Hards. The goal was to add more diverse genres of music to our “30 Shows in 30 Days” campaign. Just days before the show, actor Alan Rickman died of cancer. Rickman was known for playing the character Hans Gruber in the ultimate 80’s Christmas classic, “Die Hard.” As we entered The Sidewinder, we notice the dimly lit bar surrounded by candles with the images of Alan Rickman from his various roles throughout his career. Vocalist TJ stepped on stage with shopping bag filled with more candles. Drummer Chris, Guitarist Hans, and Kurt, a nearly-nude bassist who also resembled iconic 80’s party monster “Ogre” from Revenge of the Nerds wearing nothing but blue boxers, followed the group. The music kicked off with a furious blast of energy and chaos. TJ’s stage persona kicked into full gear as he made his presence felt across every part of the stage. It was only a matter of time before the stage became too small, and he took to the floor. Their versatility was on display with elements of classic thrash, dancehall ska, and old school punk all mixed into a short 30 minute set. To everyone’s surprise, they broke into their rendition of Harry Belafonte’s “Jump in the Line” with the mic stand acting as an almost makeshift limbo pole. Shortly after the party favorite, the show took a more serious tone. The band then made their tribute to Alan Rickman by reading a eulogy, later posted on their Facebook page the following day. The candles brought on the stage earlier were then passed out to audience members, and held high while TJ read from the folded, sweat-drenched piece of paper. Some points were very comical, but it was also very heartfelt. The love of Rickman’s character brought these men together and formed a group as homage their favorite movie villain. The final words in the eulogy were also made famous by the protagonist in the Die Hard film, John McClane, played by Bruce Willis. The crowd yelled in unison, “Yippie-ki-yay, motherfuckers!” A fitting end. -Rene De La Mora, TipCow " We are stoked to be a part of 10th Annual Punks for Tots Toy Drive this year! This event will be hosted at the Korova in San Antonio this Saturday Dec 05, and it is a really cool cause to help local people in the community who may not be able to afford presents for their kids this holiday season. If you can make it out to the show, it will definitely be a good time- live music by Texas bands (Punk, Ska, Metal etc...), live art work, tons of raffles for local tattoo shops, clothing stores, music stores, tattoo shops, DIY local stores, movie tickets, and concert tickets to local venues.
If you would like to donate to the cause, check out the go fund me page: www.gofundme.com/punksfortots For more info about the event: www.facebook.com/events/458216001055342/ |
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March 2021
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